Monday, March 12, 2012


The Troop successfully completed another 20-Miler this year! The event took place on Saturday, March 10, with a large group of Scouts and adults completing the entire route from Evergreen Road to Cherry Oil Road. We had a lot of fun, enjoyed some beautiful scenery and had a fantastic barbecue at the end. All the Scouts worked hard and did an awesome job. Congratulations to everyone!
More pictures from the 20-Miler can be found at Picasa Photo Albums.

Upcoming event for April

The Greater Yosemite Council's Camporall/Jamborall is coming up on the weekend of April 20-22.
It will be at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds in Turlock. Here is a flier with more information:

Camporall/Jamborall flier.pdf